Head Office: ‘Millside’ The Moor, Melbourn, Royston, Hertfordshire, SG8 6ED United Kingdom
Tel: +44(0)1763-262112 Fax: +44(0)1763-263335 Email: sales@cvmsl.co.uk or service@cvmsl.co.uk
Cambridge Vibration Maintenance Services (CVMSL) combines a wealth of engineering capability with the dedication of experienced field service personnel, who provide the customer with total support for all their vibration testing needs. CVMSL deliver complete vibration test solutions: consulting, site planning, system relocation, test lab construction, vibrator selection, laboratory air-conditioning, acoustic housings, engineer training and vibration maintenance. Talk to us about electro-dynamic shakers, mechanical shakers, free-fall shock machines, vibrator repairs, shaker upgrades, armature rewinds, replacement field coils, power module repairs, replacement amplifiers and quick delivery of spare parts.